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Bluestacks in Laptop |
When a user goes through this simple procedure, Android apps just show up in the BlueStacks Player on Windows. Like magic, you run on Windows as is, in full screen, with no performance degradation. That means software written for Android, such as Pulse and Flipboard, can now run on your Windows PC and be tied to the data layer of your Android version, too.
How to Install and Run bluestacks in your Laptop ?
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Installation Bluestacks |
Step 2: Upon installation, open BlueStack. You’d find a welcome screen showing the top 25 Apps.
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Bluestacks |
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Bluestacks Homescreen |
How to Install and Run WhatsApp in your Laptop ?
Step 1: In the search bar that appears, type WhatsApp or WhatsApp for PC. The search engine searches for the keyword in Google Play, one mobile and the Amazon App Store, and shows a search result from all three stores.Step 2: Select WhatsApp Messenger from the 1 mobile store. You then need to click install button against WhatsApp Messenger in the screen that follows. Once done, BlueStack downloads WhatsApp for you. It takes about 2 minutes for this to happen.
Step 3: You will now find WhatsApp installed in you ‘My Apps’ tab. You are just one step behind; i.e., configuring your WhatsApp account.
Step 4: Open WhatsApp and click I agree with terms button.
Step 5: Type your Mobile Number in the Field
Note: First type your Country Code like 91 for India and then your Mobile Number
Step 6: Now WhatsApp will try to verify your number, but it will show fail message.
Step 7: Now click on Call Me >> You’ll receive a automatic call with a confirmation number, write down that number .
Step 8: Now type the received number in verification field and your done!
How to Add Contacts to WhatsApp in Laptop ?
If you have already an account in WhatsApp then it automatically checks for your contacts otherwise you have to add it manually. Follow below steps to add contacts manually in Whatsapp using Bluestecks.
Step 1: Open WhatsApp in Bluestack
Step 2: Click on Menu icon at the Bottom
Step 3: Now Click on Contacts Icon
Step 4: Again Click on Menu Icon
Step 5: Click on Add Contact
Step 6: Fill the given fields with Contact Number and Name
Step 7: Click on Done.
To add more contacts Follow same steps.
Enjoy WhatsApp on PC!
If you are still searching for alternative for Bluestacks, then here comes Wasspp !
Follow below steps to Download and Install Whatsapp on PC using Wassapp
Step 1: Download and Install Wassapp
Download Wassapp
Step 2: After installing, open Wassapp and login using your Whatsapp username and Password. If you don’t have already created account then register.
Step 3: Click on register button
Step 4: Now provide your Phone number and Password
Note: For an Android phone, the password will be same as its IMEI number. You can find the IMEI Number at the back of Your Android device under battery or by typing this code : *#06#
Step 5: Now choose the mode of verification either by SMS or Phone call and press Request Code.
Step 6: Now if you have selected SMS then you will get a SMS from Wassapp with a code and if you have selected phone call then you will receive a computerized call with unique code, Note it down.
Step 7: Put the code you received by SMS or Phone call in Wassapp client and now you will get a computer-generated password and you can use that password for login.
That’s it! Now you can use Whatsapp on PC and can send and receive SMS and messages for the added contacts. If you face any problem then let us know in the comments and don’t forget to share this with your friends!