In offices the world over, heaps of printouts and
photocopies from laser printers get used once before being discarded, or tossed
on shelves to collect dust indefinitely. But what if they could be wiped clean
and used again?
An engineering team at the University of Cambridge in the UK
has figured out how to erase pages by vaporising common toners using a
laser-based technique that doesn't damage the underlying paper. It can delete
words and images printed on paper.

Allwood and colleagues estimate it would cost Rs. 1,330,000/- to build a prototype unprinter but that the costs would come
down as technology improves and it is commercialized. They believe that
reducing the cost would make the device valuable in most offices by reducing
the need to buy paper. It could also be kinder to the environment by reducing
the need to use as many chemicals to recycle paper and cutting carbon emissions
savings of up to 79 percent, they noted.